Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Barry Bonds - #756

So, Bonds finally makes contact and hits home run #756.


People love to hate him, and hate to love him. He's like baseball version of our own Kobe. Anyways, congrats to SF Giants and their #25. The steroid injecting slugger hit a home run for the last place team in NL West, yet gets national headline. Yawn... Only in America.

Anyways, I think this record is important, and the most classy part of the evening is when Hank Aaron delivered an eloquent congratulations to Mr. Bonds.


This blogger did not watch Barry Bonds live at bat on ESPN. Instead, he was watching the Angels running the Boston Red Sox wild in Angels Stadium, where suicide squeezes are executed perfectly on daily basis. Angels 10 - Red Sox 4. Take that.

UPDATE: The entire at bat is available to view on Youtube. Link is available here.

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